Review of Personnel Policies and Procedures
Recruitment of Probationary Faculty
Appointment of Probationary Faculty
Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations
Personnel Action Files
Individualized Professional Plans
College Faculty Evaluation Committees
Composition of College Personnel Committees (ARTP)
Committee Title: College Retention, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) Committee
Responsibilities: The College RTP Committee shall be concerned with retention, tenure, and promotion of faculty members of all ranks (i.e. assistant, associate, and full professor). The charge to the committee is: 1) To review personnel files of those candidates eligible for reappointment, tenure, and promotion; 2) To review the annual evaluations and recommendations of eligible candidates that have been written by the department personnel committee and the chairperson as appropriate; and 3) To report the committee's recommendations
to the candidate and to the Dean.
Number of Members: Six (6) tenured full professors shall be regular voting members (two from each of the three divisions).
Election Procedures: Nominees for the RTP Committee shall be arranged alphabetically, by Division, on the ballot by the Sub-committee of the Faculty and Staff Committee, and the ballots submitted to the faculty for vote. In the situation where there is no eligible tenured full professor available, the Division may elect a tenured full professor from outside its division/college in a related discipline. The single-transferable-ballot system will be used to rank each acceptable nominee in each Division. Within the list of nominees for each Division, the two (2) nominees receiving the highest number of votes will be elected as the regular members. The nominees in each Division receiving the fourth and fifth highest number of votes will be elected alternates. In using the single-transferable-vote, if more than one ballot is required, the number of candidates on the subsequent ballot would be reduced on the basis of those most frequently mentioned to two times the number of persons remaining to be elected, regular and alternates. Ballots shall be preserved during the life of the Committee and shall be used to replace regular members of the Committee and alternates as needed.
Alternates and Selection Procedures: The Division/College is responsible for electing its own alternates. In the situation where there are no eligible tenured full professors available, Associate Professors from the Division may serve as reviewers for faculty at the Assistant level. The Division/College may elect a tenured full professor from outside of the Division/College in a related discipline to serve as its alternate representative.
Alternates in the fourth and fifth position may not serve on both Division and College level RTP. The person in the fourth position as an alternate for each Division on the College RTP Committee may serve only on the College RTP Committee. The persons in the fifth position as alternates to the College RTP Committee shall be eligible to serve on Division RTP committees, but if the persons in those positions are called to duty for the College RTP Committee, they may not serve on the Division committees.
Quorum: A quorum is defined as the four (4) who take part in the recommendations on retention, tenure and promotion. Members do not deliberate about candidates from their own division.
Term of Office: The term of office for the College RTP Committee is one year.
Timing of Elections: Elections shall take place in the Spring semester and elected members will assume their responsibilities at the beginning of the following Fall quarter. The election results will be forwarded to the Dean of the College of Education by the end of May.
Eligibility for Service on the College RTP Committee: All tenured full professors are eligible for service on the College RTP committee and will appear on the ballot. Those committee members who have served for two consecutive years may decline to serve, if elected. If needed, a separate election may be held to add one Associate professor (beyond the two full professors from the same Division) to the committee, with the understanding that they will only be responsible for review of faculty at the Assistant professor level.
Committee Procedures
The Dean of the College of Education convenes an organizational meeting of the College Committee to review the charge of the Committee and pertinent guidelines. Although the Dean is not a member of the Committee and does not attend meetings, the Committee may invite the Dean to attend a meeting at its discretion.
Review of Faculty Holding Joint Appointments and of Faculty Active in Interdisciplinary Programs
Evaluation of Permanent Instructional Faculty
College of Education RTP Document
Category A - Educational Performance
Evidence to be submitted in Category A includes a narrative for the area, summary of teaching performance, student opinion surveys, peer observation, course syllabi, innovations in assessment, and other efforts to improve instruction. Related Education Activities include supervision of students in practicum and internship, thesis, project, or dissertation work, designing new courses, programs modifications and developments, advising, program coordination, and professional development.
The link to college formatting, and other expectations for Category A is here.
Category B - Professional Achievement
Evidence to be submitted in Category B includes an introductory summary for the category, peer-reviewed journal articles, edited books, book chapters, conference proceedings, and other publications. Additional evidence includes conference presentations, grants, fellowships, and contracts, community-based projects, participation in professional societies, development of innovative materials for use outside the faculty member's division/department, serving as an editor or reviewer, and professional consultant activities.
The link to college formatting, and other expectations for Category B is here.
Category C - Contributions to the University, College, and Division
Evidence to be considered in Category C includes an introductory summary for the category, service on program and Division level committees, College committees, University committees, accreditation and program improvement activities, service to the community in support of University goals, events to improve campus life in various ways, professional consultant activities, awards for service, administrative posts within the Division, College, or University, and funded projects that involve service to programs, the Division, or College.
The link to college formatting, and other expectations for Category C is here.
Finally, the COE has also developed a more general document to provide additional guidance while preparing your RTP file. This guidance can be found here.
Eligibility for Tenure and Promotion
The appropriate terminal degree(s) for the College is/are: Doctorate
The appropriate College Committee to make recommendations on the in-lieu statement is: The Division Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee.
A faculty member may consult formally with the Division Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee, who will make the recommendation for the meritorious service promotion with its justification to the College Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee. A candidate must have the terminal degree to be recommended for meritorious service.
Procedures for Nomination and Recommendation for Promotion
Oral Testimony
Appointment of Temporary Faculty
Evaluation of Temporary Faculty
The College Dean reviews part-time temporary faculty members when the Division Chair serves as a voting member of the Division RTP Committee.
Consideration for Range Elevation
To be considered for range elevation, part-time and full-time temporary faculty must demonstrate:
- Teaching performance at a level satisfactory to the Division, as shown by such measures as student opinion surveys, instructional materials, and peer observations of classroom performance. For those with non-teaching assignments, positive evaluations by supervisors must be shown.
- Demonstrated currency in the field.
Review of College Personnel Procedures