Review of Personnel Policies and Procedures
Recruitment of Probationary Faculty
Departments shall provide a copy of their written criteria for evaluating applicants to the College Dean at the time each vacancy announcement is issued.
Appointment of Probationary Faculty
Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations
Personnel Action Files
Prior to the closing of the personnel file, the faculty member being considered for review shall read and initial his or her personnel file.
Individualized Professional Plans
College Faculty Evaluation Committees
Committee members will not be present or participate during deliberations on their own department's candidates.
If a faculty member is elected to both the College Faculty Affairs Committee and the Department Faculty Affairs Committee, University policy states that the faculty member may choose which committee to be a member of. If the faculty member's decision results in no departmental representative being available to serve on the College Faculty Affairs Committee, consultation between the faculty member, department chair, and the Dean will be held to determine if the department will forgo their departmental representation on the College Faculty Affairs Committee.
Faculty members serving on the Faculty Affairs Committee have an obligation to participate in the meetings. A quorum for a Faculty Affairs Committee meeting shall be defined as five members present.
The term of service of an elected faculty member to the College Faculty Affairs Committee is two years. Eligibility for service on the College Faculty Affairs Committee is limited to full professors. A faculty member can elect to be placed on the ballot and to serve (if elected) on the College Committee for a period of two additional years after completing the first two-year term of service. In no case will a faculty member serve more than four consecutive years. After completion of service (either two or four years), a faculty member will not be placed on the ballot of the College Committee for the next year. Service in any two semesters (excluding the summer session) shall count as a year of service. A year is defined as an academic year.
Election of members of the Committee shall be staggered in such a way that approximately one-half of the committee will be elected each year. Each department in the college can be represented in the committee but no department shall have more than two representatives. The committee will have four to six departments represented in the committee.
Composition of College Personnel Committees (ARTP)
Committee Title and Responsibilities:
Title-Faculty Affairs Committee
- Develop and/or review and recommend College policies and criteria with regard to selection, reappointment, tenure, and promotion of faculty members.
- Make recommendations to the dean with regard to reappointment, tenure, promotion, and the probationary appointment of faculty members to the rank of associate or full professor.
- Review and approve department personnel policies.
- Make recommendations on other faculty affairs functions, such as Sabbaticals and Difference-in-Pay Leaves.
- Recommend to the dean procedures for consultation on College-wide faculty-administrative appointments.
- Administer College-wide elections and certify the results of college-wide elections.
Number of Members:
(Include election procedure.)
Eight members with an election held each Spring Semester. This committee shall consist of eight full professors selected through a College-wide election. Each department in the college can be represented in the committee but no department shall have more than two representatives. Whenever possible there will be one representative from each of the six departments serving on the College Faculty Affairs Committee. Should the situation arise that a department does not have a departmental faculty member choosing to serve on the College Faculty Affairs Committee, the department after consultation between the faculty member, department chair, and the Dean may forgo their departmental representation on the College Faculty Affairs Committee. There will be at least four departments represented, at any time, on the College Faculty Affairs Committee.
Elected members serve two-year terms with terms staggered so that approximately one-half of the members are elected each year.
An election for the Faculty Affairs Committee is held each Spring Semester. All eligible faculty appear on the ballot unless the Faculty Affairs Committee excuses them for serious and compelling reasons. The single transferable ballot process results in a ranking of all eligible faculty in the College. Available seats on the committee are filled from the ranked list so that the resulting committee when possible will consist of at least one member from each of the six departments and no more than two members from any one department. Should there fail to be a representative from each department, the vacant slots will be filed from the ranked list such that there are no more than two representatives from any one department with at least four departments represented on the committee.
Number of Alternates:
(Include election/selection procedure and whether are required to be present for all deliberations (to be most effective if/when needed.)
Alternates consist of the list of eligible candidates to the College Faculty Affairs Committee in order of descending votes received. (The exact number is determined by the number of eligible faculty members on the ballot.) Alternates are not required to be present for all deliberations unless they are serving on the committee.
For consideration of personnel actions, a quorum shall be five members from at least four of the College's six departments.
Other Relevant Factors, if any:
There are no additional College relevant factors for this section.
Committee Procedures
Review of Faculty Holding Joint Appointments and of Faculty Active in Interdisciplinary Programs
Evaluation of Permanent Instructional Faculty
The evaluation of the faculty member for retention and tenure, and where eligible for promotion, is based upon a study of qualities, achievements, and promise during the year or years preceding the evaluation. Attention is given to forming a general "profile" of the faculty member's performance.
Category A
Each faculty member shall have student opinion surveys administered in all classes taught.
Each faculty member is encouraged to engage in assessment and provide evidence of assessment activities.
- Submit proposals for new curricula or course development;
- Develop and use instructional software;
- Develop and present faculty research seminar;
- Deliver a professional education seminar;
- Serve as faculty advisor in an official business student organization or recognized on-campus student organization, including international;
- Serve as coordinator for College or departmental study abroad program;
- Participate in student organizations;
- Mentor students for a non-class academic activity;
- Submit and grade comprehensive examination questions;
- Supervise co-ops and internships;
- Supervise student research and similar activities;
- Participate in Assurance of Learning activities;
- Supervise experiential or service leaning in the field;
- Attend continuing education seminars required to maintain professional certification;
- Maintenance a professional certificate in a field relevant to the area of teaching;
Category B
The faculty member is minimally expected to meet SA (Scholarly Academies) requirements per the College AACSB definition; however, SA status is not sufficient in and of itself for tenure or promotion. The faculty member is expected to provide evidence of a sustained record of quality publications or a written acceptance for publication if works are not published prior to the file closing date as a condition of promotion and tenure. A sustained record in quality peer refereed journal publications in the field relevant to the faculty member's teaching assignment is expected when being evaluated for tenure and promotion. On average, a sustained record of one peer referred publication per year in a quality peer reviewed journal in the field relevant to the faculty member's teaching assignment is expected when being reviewed for tenure and promotion. An article published in a journal identified as a predatory will not fulfill the requirement of a quality peer reviewed journal publication. A predatory journal is published via an exploitative publishing business model that involves charging publication fees without providing the proper editorial review services associated with legitimate journals.
To receive an evaluation of commendable or outstanding, the faculty member is expected to publish on average more than one quality referred peer reviewed journal article per year. The College and Department will insure the article(s) have not been published in a predatory journal. For multi-authored publications, the above criteria is necessary but may not be sufficient to receive a positive (satisfactory, commendable or outstanding) recommendation.
Faculty members are encouraged to include in the personnel information form a brief statement of the impact of the scholarly activity carried out during the review period in one or more of the following three areas, as applicable: (A) impact on practice- how the scholarly activity affected the community, public, policy, and/or organizations in the community; (B) impact on student success- how the scholarly activity affected the faculty member's own teaching effectiveness as well as the teaching of others; and (C) impact on the discipline- how the scholarly activity contributed to the faculty member's academic discipline, including the quality of the publication outlet. When possible, evidence of impact should be provided to support the statement.
Departmental evaluations shall include a specific statement concerning the quality of the publications (journals, proceeding, books, etc.) in which a faculty member's writing appears. In making this evaluation, due consideration will be given to the availability of publication opportunities in the faculty members academic field(s) and/or areas of specialty(ies). If a faculty member publishes material in a foreign language, the personnel file will contain a translation of the material in English.
In addition to peer reviewed journal articles, some combination of the following activities is expected.
- textbooks;
- Scholarly books or chapters in scholarly books;
- Publications in Peer-Reviewed Proceedings (PRP) of academic conferences;
- research monographs;
- articles in trade journals;
- technical reports;
- Grant proposals submitted in the relevant professional field;
- Sponsored grants received in the relevant professional field;
- Serve as editor or reviewer for peer-reviewed journal;
- book reviews;
- symposia and presentations at academic or professional meetings;
- service on editorial boards or peer-review panels;
- published peer-reviewed case studies;
- published peer-reviewed teaching materials;
- organization or participation in workshops related to relevant field;
- media citations (number, distribution);
- citation counts (google scholar, SSCI/ISI);
- download counts of published works;
- requests for expertise for community activities (consulting projects, broadcast forums, researcher-practitioner meetings);
- invitations to participate in research conferences, scholarly programs and/or regional and national research forums.
Category C
Faculty members are expected to attend Honors Convocation and Commencement.
The faculty members are expected to provide evidence of participation in service activities that can include but are not limited the activities listed below.
- Employment or governance of an outside organizations within the University Outside Employment Guidelines;
- Engagement in consulting services;
- Serve as an expert witness;
- Serve as a Dean, an Associate Dean, an Assistant Dean or a Director;
- Serve as a member of a board of directors that has substantial duties;
- Participation in accreditation activities;
- Participation in outreach and development activities;
- Mentorship of a tenure-track faculty member;
- Participation in one or more department, college, or university committees including Academic Senate;
- Participation in professional events (e.g., Meet the Firms; Career Fair);
- Participation in student recruitment activities;
- Management of an approved center or institute in the college
Faculty serving or having served as a College Administrator during a portion of the review period will provide evidence of completed activities including but not limited to the following:
- Securing a significant external grant (as grant PI, co-Pl or coordinator)
- Publishing an article, book, chapter in book, or externally reviewed instructional materials in a respected outlet
- Serving on an AACSB peer review team
- Serving on an external grant review team
- Spearheading major curricular and/or program design or redesign
- Participating in local, regional, or national conferences or seminars appropriate to the administrative role (e.g., AACSB-sponsored meetings, SBAA-sponsored meetings)
- Serving as an officer or in a leadership role in a professional organization
- Serving as a member of a for profit or nonprofit board
- Presenting at conference/seminar or giving invited speeches related to the administrative role or area of responsibility
Eligibility for Tenure and Promotion
The appropriate terminal degree(s) for the College is/are:
DBA or Ph.D. in economics, business, or business related fields,
JD and an LL.M. in tax (Accounting Department for taxation accounting),
J.D. and either a MS Tax (or equivalent degree), or CPA (Accounting Department for taxation),
J.D. (Finance and Law Department for business law)
The appropriate College committee to make recommendations on the in lieu statement is: The College Faculty Affairs Committee.
Normal consideration for promotion to full professor requires the completion of four (4) years of service at CSULA at the rank of associate professor, and this time period is not affected by credit having been given (at the time of appointment) toward the granting of tenure. That is, normal consideration is in the fifth year and the promotion, if granted, is effective at the beginning of the sixth year
Procedures for Nomination and Recommendation for Promotion
Oral Testimony
Appointment of Temporary Faculty
Unless otherwise specified in a position announcement, recruitment of temporary faculty will be limited to those who possess the appropriate qualifications, and who demonstrate currency in the field relevant to their work assignment by virtue of meeting standards for Instructional Practitioners (IP) or Scholarly Practitioners (SP) (see Options A and B below, respectively).
Candidates may demonstrate that they meet the requirements for IP status by holding a graduate degree in business or a business related field, in addition to a minimum of three years of experience in a middle-level or higher-level professional, technical, or managerial position related to the subject matter taught. The required professional experience can be obtained by working full-time for three years or by working part-time for a longer period within the most recent five-year period. The experience should be relevant to the faculty member's teaching assignment, significant in duration and level of responsibility, and current at the time of hiring.
Temporary faculty candidates teaching undergraduate classes may demonstrate that they meet the requirements for SP status by holding an appropriate terminal degree earned within the most recent five-year period, or holding an appropriate a terminal degree and have two peer reviewed quality journal articles in the field relevant to the faculty member's teaching assignment within the most recent five-year period. If considered for graduate class assignments, demonstration of currency in the field must also include documentation of additional activities such as but not limited to the following:
- Publication of papers in peer-reviewed proceedings of academic conferences
- Publication of scholarly books or chapters in scholarly books
- Publication of textbooks
- Publication of research monographs
- Publication of articles in trade journals
- Publication of technical reports
- Development of instructional software
- Publication of book reviews
- Faculty research seminar presentations
- Symposiums and presentations at academic or professional meetings
- Service on editorial boards and peer-review panels
- Creative projects, i.e. videos, showings, exhibits, etc. that are related to the work assignment
Evaluation of Temporary Faculty
Temporary faculty members exclusively assigned to teaching shall be evaluated solely on the basis of educational performance, which under University policy includes instructional performance and demonstration of currency in their field(s). All temporary faculty members will be evaluated once a year.
- A current curriculum vitae.
- A personnel Information Form summarizing and describing activities and accomplishments for the current review period. This could include teaching activities / accomplishments and/or other assigned responsibilities and deliverables as outlined in the letter of appointment.
- Evidence of these activities and accomplishments. For teaching assignments, the following must be included:
- example(s) of direct assessment of course learning goals (assurance of learning (AOL) documentation)
- class assignments
- sample papers/exams
- other instructional materials
- evidence of grading practices
- Documentation of currency in the field relevant to the work assignment. A number of options are available for faculty to demonstrate currency in the field relevant to their instructional assignments.
Temporary faculty must demonstrate currency in one or both options listed below.
Option A: Faculty members may demonstrate currency through participation in any two (2) of the following activities (documentation must be provided):
- Attendance at continuing Education seminars required to maintain professional certification.
- Maintenance of a professional certificate or license in a field relevant to the area of teaching.
- Presentation at a professional education seminar.
- Employment in a mid-level or higher-level professional, technical, or managerial position (non teaching), earning income for at least 400 hours in a year.
- Operation of an entrepreneurial business with annual revenues throughout the review period.
- Engagement in consulting services, for which at least 80 hours were billed in a year.
- Publication of a peer-reviewed journal article or book or of teaching materials that are publically available.
- Publication in peer-reviewed quality journals within the most recent five-year period in the field relevant to the faculty member's teaching assignment.
- Attainment of an appropriate terminal degree earned in the most recent five-year period
- If teaching graduate-level classes, faculty is expected demonstrate some combination of the following in the recent five-year period.
- Publication of a paper in a peer-reviewed proceedings of an academic conference
- Publication of scholarly books or chapters in scholarly books
- Publication of textbooks
- Publication of research monographs
- Publication of articles in trade journals
- Publication of technical reports
- Development of instructional software
- Creative projects, i.e. videos, showings, exhibits, etc. that related to discipline of hire
- Publication of book reviews
- Faculty research seminar presentation
- Symposiums and presentations at academic or professional meetings
- Service on editorial boards and peer-review panels
Consideration for Range Elevation
To be considered for range elevation, a temporary faculty member must submit a complete file for review containing all information listed in the preceding section on Evaluation of Temporary Faculty. To be recommended for range elevation, temporary faculty must be found to be at least satisfactory. A terminal degree will be considered a requirement for consideration of elevation to ranges C or D if appropriate to the faculty member's assignment, based on the faculty member's performance of the essential duties of the position, and if specified as a requirement for employment in the faculty member's appointment letter.