Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations
Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees (Probationary and Temporary Appointment, Retention, Tenure, and Promotion, and Evaluation of Temporary, Probationary and Tenured Faculty)
Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees
The department annually elects 2 personnel committees.
The probationary and tenured faculty members of the department or equivalent unit shall elect a peer review committee(s) of tenured faculty members. When there are insufficient eligible members to serve on the peer committee, the department shall elect members from a related academic discipline(s).
(The Committees, as a whole, must take responsibility for the following tasks: Probationary Appointment; Temporary Appointment; Retention, Tenure and Promotion; Range Elevation; Evaluation of Temporary Faculty; Evaluation of Probationary Faculty; Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Post-Tenure review); Evaluation for Request to Emeritus status; and Collaboration on the Development of Individual Professional Plans. It is required that each unit indicate below which Committee is responsible for each of these tasks.)
Committee Titles and Responsibilities |
Number of Members (at least 3; all tenured full time) (Indicate if must be (full) professor rank) |
Number of Alternates (1 or more; all tenured full-time)* (Indicate if must be (full) professor rank) |
Faculty Affairs Committee A See additional |
3 Full Professors | 1 Full Professor |
Faculty Affairs Committee B See additional |
3 Tenured Professors | 1 Tenured Professor |
The Department Faculty Affairs Committee A consists of three tenured full professors elected by the faculty of the Department.
The Department Faculty Affairs Committee B consists of three tenured professors elected by the full-time faculty of the Department.
Each of these Committees shall elect its own chairperson. The elected chairperson of each Committee shall serve as a secretary of the Committee. The term of membership for each Committee shall be one year, beginning with the first meeting of the fall semester. All those on the ballot of each Committee who are not elected will be considered alternates, in rank order according to votes received.
All probationary and tenured faculty unit employees including those participating in the Faculty Early Retirement Program who are teaching during the semester in which the election takes place shall be eligible to vote in the election for members of the Department Faculty Affairs Committee A and B. Faculty members from outside the Department shall be candidates if necessary.
The election shall take place during the Spring semester.
- To make recommendations on promotion, retention, and tenure matters of all full-time faculty unit employees. In such matters, all motions are to be placed in the affirmative and recommendations shall be by majority vote of the committee.
- To make recommendations to the appropriate administrator(s) regarding the 5-year review and evaluation of tenured faculty.
- To develop and recommend personnel policies and procedures to the Department.
- To handle such other matters as are mandated to this Committee by the current Agreement between the Board of Trustees of the California State University and the California Faculty Association and other duly constituted academic authority, including assurance that the Department will make positive efforts to comply with the letter and spirit of the non-discrimination policies of the University.
- To handle other matters that are related to faculty welfare, including assurance that the Department will make positive efforts to comply with the letters and spirit of the non-discrimination policies of the University.
- To make recommendations to the appropriate administrator(s) regarding retention of all temporary faculty unit employees. In such matters, all motions are to be placed in the affirmative and recommendations shall be by majority vote of the committee.
- To make recommendations to the appropriate administrator(s) regarding the review and evaluation of the performance of presently employed temporary faculty members.
- To make recommendations concerning the evaluation of temporary faculty for Range Elevation.
- To handle such other matters as are mandated to this Committee by the current Agreement between the Board of trustees of the California State University and the California Faculty Association and other duly constituted academic authority, including assurance that the Department seeks to achieve the short and long range equity and diversity goals of the University.
Eligibility for Committee Service and Balloting
Recruitment of Probationary Faculty
Appointment of Probationary Faculty
Personnel Action Files
Individualized Professional Plans
Eligibility for Tenure and Promotion
Area of Specialization | Terminal Degree |
Finance |
Doctorate |
Business Law |
See in lieu statement |
Real Estate |
See in lieu statement |
In Lieu Statement
For appointment or promotion to Associate Professor or Professor, the doctorate is required with the following exceptions:
- Specified Minimum Criteria:
In lieu of the Doctorate, to be eligible for consideration for appointment, tenure or promotion to the rank of Associate Professor or Professor, a faculty member who teaches courses in business law shall possess a bachelor's degree plus a J.D. or LL.B. degree awarded by a law school that, at the time the degree was conferred, was accredited by the American Bar Association. In addition to the above stated degree requirements, the faculty member must have at the time of initial appointment, at least three years of demonstrated excellence in full-time employment primarily in the field of business and commercial law following the passage of a bar examination and apart from teaching experience.
In lieu of the Doctorate, to be eligible for consideration for appointment, tenure or promotion to the rank of Associate Professor or Professor, a faculty member who teaches real estate courses shall possess a bachelor's degree plus a J.D. or LL.B. degree awarded by a law school that, at the time the degree was conferred, was accredited by the American Bar Association. Also, at the time of initial appointment, the individual must have at least three years of demonstrated excellence in full-time employment in real estate.
- Guidelines for Evaluating Demonstrated Excellence:
Evaluation of Permanent Instructional Faculty
Category B: Activities considered appropriate as "scholarly and creative activities" for the discipline are:
- Publications in Refereed Professional Journals;
- Publications of Non-Refereed Professional Journals;
- Publications of Books;
- Publications of Conference Proceedings or Research Working Papers;
- Presentations of Papers at Professional Meetings;
- Services on Panels at Professional Meetings (e.g. chair, discussant, etc);
- Service on Review Board of Professional Journals;
- Reviews of Articles and Books as requested by Journals or Publishers;
- Awards, Fellowships, or Research Grants Received;
- Work in Progress on Material that would lead to Publications
Committee Procedures
Review of Faculty Holding Joint Appointments and of Faculty Active in Interdisciplinary Programs
Student Consultation in Academic Personnel Processes
Student opinion surveys on instruction are required for every instructor in every course that is taught in a given semester.
Oral Testimony
Role of Department/Division/School Chair or Director
Appointment of Temporary Faculty
Evaluation of Temporary Faculty
Temporary faculty members may demonstrate currency in the field through:
- Employment in a professional, technical, or managerial (non-teaching) position related to the classes being taught, within 5 years of or during the period of review. Both paid and pro-bono work are acceptable.
- Operation of or significant involvement in a professional business related to the classes taught within 5 years of or during the period of review.
- Active involvement in professional investment organizations that analyze and evaluate business opportunities, and/or facilitate investments and seed capital investing, such as Angel investing clubs, or organizations that engage in business advisory services.
- Active engagement in professional consulting/advisory services.
- Attendance/credits earned at continuing education seminar required to maintain a recognized professional certification within 3 years of the term of evaluation.
- Maintenance of a professional certificate or license in a field relevant to the area of teaching.
- Two (2) of the following: publication papers in peer-reviewed journals, non-refereed journals or conference proceedings, chapters in scholarly books, articles in trade journals, magazines, or newspapers, or presentations at recognized academic or professional conferences, within 5 years of the period under review and in a filed relevant to the faculty member's teaching assignment.
- Attainment of an appropriate terminal degree earned in the most recent five-year period.
- Other evidence of related significant professional activities, other than teaching.
Consideration for Three-Year Appointments
Consideration for Range Elevation
The following criteria for Range Elevation shall be applied to all ranges: At least satisfactory performance in teaching and instructional support duties if assigned; a doctorate earned in a related field (C or D only); and a sustained record of scholarly research and publications.
Review of Department Personnel Procedures
Department: Finance, Law & Real Estate
Area of Specialization: Business Law
Terminal Degree: J.D. (Juris Doctorate)
1. Why is this degree more relevant for this position than a doctorate?
The J.D. degree is the usual and customary degree for persons who practice and teach law courses, including business law courses.
2. What is the availability of a doctorate in this field?
An S.J.D. (Doctorate of Scientific Jurisprudence) is held by a very small number of persons who research or teach in law schools. Even in law schools most law faculty possess the J.D. degree. The S.J.D. degree is not a common degree.
3. Does this degree provide a faculty member with the necessary background to do research, scholarly, or creative work in the University?
4. Is there a requirement of the specialized accrediting agency related to terminal degrees of faculty in the department? If so, what is that requirement?
J.D. (for business law faculty)
5. What are the educational requirements for similar positions at comparable campuses? Please identify the campus and provide a copy of their relevant policies.
Department: Finance, Law & Real Estate
Area of Specialization: Real Estate
Terminal Degree: J.D. (Juris Doctorate)
1. Why is this degree more relevant for this position than a doctorate?
The J.D. degree is comparable to the Ph.D. degree in the area of real estate. When combined with the experience requirement, it (the J.D. degree) is relevant to the real estate curriculum because of the specialization of the program.
2. What is the availability of a doctorate in this field?
This degree is available at all accredited law schools throughout the country. Most of the schools have amended their program to award only the J.D. degree.
3. Does this degree provide a faculty member with the necessary background to do research, scholarly, or creative work in the University?
Yes. Considerable attention is given to research in all accredited programs.
4. Is there a requirement of the specialized accrediting agency related to terminal degrees of faculty in the department? If so, what is that requirement?
yes, the degree must be from an institution accredited by the American Bar Association.
5. What are the educational requirements for similar positions at comparable campuses? Please identify the campus and provide a copy of their relevant policies.
CSU Long Beach and CSU Northridge both require the J.D. degree. UCLA does not have an undergraduate program in real estate.