Review of Personnel Policies and Procedures
Recruitment of Probationary Faculty
Appointment of Probationary Faculty
Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations
Personnel Action Files
Individualized Professional Plans
College Faculty Evaluation Committees
Composition of College Personnel Committees (ARTP)
Committee Title and Responsibilities
Title: Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee "A" (RTP "A")
RTP Committee "A" shall be concerned with retention, tenure, and promotion of faculty members of the upper ranks (i.e., Associate and Full Professor). The charge to the Committee is: 1) to review personnel files of those candidates eligible for reappointment, tenure, and promotion; 2) to review the annual evaluations and recommendations of eligible candidates which have been written by the department personnel committee and chairperson as appropriate; and 3) to report the Committee's recommendations to the candidate and to the Dean.
Membership and Election Procedure:
Six (6) tenured full professors shall be regular voting members. Each school/department will elect a tenured full professor from their school/department to serve on the College RTP "A" Committee. In the situation where there is no eligible tenured full professor available, the
school/department may elect a tenured full professor from outside of their school/department in a related discipline. Each school/department will submit to the College Faculty/Fiscal Affairs Committee the name of one faculty member to serve on the College RTP "A" Committee. The College Faculty/Fiscal Affairs Committee will verify that approved procedures were properly implemented in the selection of the membership of the College RTP "A" Committee.
A member of the College RTP "A" Committee will recuse him/herself when a member of his/her school/department or the school/department which s/he is representing is being reviewed.
Alternates and Selection Procedures:
Each school/department is responsible for electing its own alternates. In the situation where there is no eligible tenured full professor available, the school/department may elect a tenured full professor from outside of their school/department in a related discipline to serve as its alternate representative.
A quorum will be defined as five (5) members or their alternates.
Term of Office:
Each school/department will elect their representative for a one (1) year term. A representative may be reelected for one (1) consecutive term. An exception to these term limits will be made when a department does not have a sufficient number of full professors from which to elect new representatives.
All tenured and probationary members of the college shall be eligible to vote in their respective department/school's elections, including FERP faculty.
Committee Title and Responsibilities:
Title: Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee "B" (RTP "B")
RTP Committee "B" shall be concerned with retention, tenure, and promotion of faculty members of the lower ranks (i.e., instructor and Assistant Professor). The charge to the Committee is: 1) to review personnel files of those candidates eligible for reappointment, tenure, and promotion; 2) to review the annual evaluations and recommendations of eligible candidates which have been written by the department personnel committee and chairperson as appropriate; and 3) to report the Committee's recommendations to the candidate and to the Dean.
Membership and Election Procedure:
Membership to the College RTP "B" Committee will consist of six ( 6) tenured professors who hold the rank of either full or associate professor. Each of these professors shall be regular voting members. Each school/department will elect a tenured full or associate professor from their school/department to serve on the College RTP "B" Committee. In the situation where there is no eligible tenured full professor or associate available, the school/department may elect a tenured full or associate from outside of their school/department in a related discipline. Each school/department will submit to the College Faculty/Fiscal Affairs Committee the name of one faculty member to serve on the College RTP "B" Committee. The College Faculty/Fiscal Affairs Committee will verify that approved procedures were properly implemented in the selection of the membership of the College RTP "B" Committee.
A member of the College RTP "B" Committee will recuse him/herself when a member of his/her school/department or the school/department which s/he is representing is being reviewed.
Alternates and Selection Procedures:
Each school/department is responsible for electing its own alternates. In the situation where there is no eligible tenured full or associate professor available, the school/department may elect a tenured full or associate professor from outside of their school/department in a related discipline to serve as its alternate representative.
A quorum will be defined as five (5) members or their alternates.
Term of Office:
Each school/department will elect their representative for a one (1) year term. A representative may be reelected for one (1) consecutive term. An exception to these term limits will be made when a department does not have a sufficient number of full or associate professors from which to elect new representatives.
All tenured and probationary members of the college shall be eligible to vote in their respective department/school's elections, including FERP faculty.
Committee Procedures
Review of Faculty Holding Joint Appointments and of Faculty Active in Interdisciplinary Programs
Evaluation of Permanent Instructional Faculty
Eligibility for Tenure and Promotion
The appropriate terminal degree(s) for the College is/are: Ph.D.
The appropriate College Committee to make recommendations on the in lieu statement is: Faculty Affairs Committee.
Procedures for Determining that a Faculty Member's Years of Service are Meritorious:
- A faculty member after ten (10) years of service, although technically not eligible for consideration to the next higher rank under regular criteria (e.g., a terminal degree or equivalency), may be considered for promotion if: after a review of the faculty member's total performance, such performance is determined to be meritorious.
- Meritorious performance shall be defined as excellence in teaching, scholarship, and/or service to the University/College/Department.
- The candidate shall make a written request to the Dean on or before the date promotion files are closed. The College Faculty/Fiscal Affairs Committee shall determine whether he/she is eligible for consideration for promotion under this provision.
- Once the individual's service has been determined meritorious, the faculty member must be judged by the same qualitative standards as are other promotion candidates and shall remain eligible for such consideration thereafter until promotion to the rank of Professor.
Procedures for Nomination and Recommendation for Promotion
Oral Testimony
Appointment of Temporary Faculty
Evaluation of Temporary Faculty
Consideration for Range Elevation
College Criteria for Range Elevation
Changes in qualifications that shall be taken into account in evaluating for range elevation shall include but are not limited to: Confirmation of advanced degree; publication of significant research; receipt of major grants/funding; external recognition at the level of honors and awards from significant bodies; etc. The department chair/school director will seek approval of this change in hiring by specifying in a memo to the Dean the reasons for the elevation. Upon approval of the Dean, the elevation will go into effect with the next hiring of the full-time temporary or part-time faculty member.