Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations
Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees (Probationary and Temporary Appointment, Retention, Tenure, and Promotion, and Evaluation of Temporary, Probationary and Tenured Faculty)
Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees
The department annually elects 4 personnel committees.
The probationary and tenured faculty members of the department or equivalent unit shall elect a peer review committee(s) of tenured faculty members. When there are insufficient eligible members to serve on the peer committee, the department shall elect members from a related academic discipline(s).
(The Committees, as a whole, must take responsibility for the following tasks: Probationary Appointment; Temporary Appointment; Retention, Tenure and Promotion; Range Elevation; Evaluation of Temporary Faculty; Evaluation of Probationary Faculty; Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Post-Tenure review); Evaluation for Request to Emeritus status; and Collaboration on the Development of Individual Professional Plans. It is required that each unit indicate below which Committee is responsible for each of these tasks.)
Committee Titles and Responsibilities |
Number of Members (at least 3; all tenured full time) (Indicate if must be (full) professor rank) |
Number of Alternates (1 or more; all tenured full-time)* (Indicate if must be (full) professor rank) |
RTP Committee A1 Consideration and recommendation regarding promotion of candidates from Associate Professor to Professor; collaboration with faculty at the rank of Professor in the development of an Individualized Instructional Plan; post-tenure review of full-time faculty. |
3 full-time, tenured faculty members who hold the rank of Professor. | 2 full-time, tenured faculty member who holds the rank of Professor. |
RTP Committee A2 Consideration and recommendation regarding retention, tenure, and promotion of candidates from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor; evaluation of Probationary Faculty; review of Head Coaches who teach part-time in the School; collaboration with faculty at the rank of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in development of an Individualized Instructional Plan. |
3 full-time, tenured faculty members at or above the rank of all persons being reviewed for retention and tenure, and above the rank of all persons being reviewed for promotion. | 2 full-time, tenured faculty members at or above the rank of all persons being reviewed for retention and tenure, and above the rank of all persons being reviewed for promotion. |
RTP Committee B Review of temporary full-time and part-time faculty, consideration of eligible temporary faculty for Range Elevation; collaboration with temporary faculty in development of Individualized Instructional Plan. |
5 full-time, tenured faculty members | 2 full-time, tenured faculty members |
Search Committee Search and make recommendations for selection of new tenure-track faculty; offer consultation to the School Director concerning temporary appointment |
3 full-time, tenured faculty members (1 Probationary Faculty member may be elected) |
1 full-time, tenured faculty members |
A ballot comprised of all eligible faculty members in the School (and additional faculty members from other Departments/Schools if necessary) and the single transferable tabulation method will be used to elect these committees.
Eligibility for Committee Service and Balloting
The School Director will not serve as a member of these personnel committees.
Recruitment of Probationary Faculty
Determination of the School's need for new faculty members will be made by the School Director, in full consultation with the full-time faculty. Subsequently, a request will be made by the School Director for one or more positions. After a requested position has been approved, a formal job announcement will be drafted by the Search Committee and distributed to the full-time faculty. Taking their input into consideration, the Search Committee will finalize the job announcement, seek campus approval for it, and distribute it widely via traditional and electronic mail.
The Search Committee will be charged with carrying out the procedures involved in preparing for the search, searching for new faculty, and selecting the candidates in the final pool to be interviewed on campus.
The candidates in the final pool will be interviewed on campus by the School Director, the Search Committee, the College Dean, and other relevant University personnel. Other faculty members in the School may also meet the candidates.
Appointment of Probationary Faculty
Personnel Action Files
Individualized Professional Plans
Eligibility for Tenure and Promotion
Area of Specialization | Terminal Degree |
Kinesiology | Earned Doctorate |
Food Science & Technology |
Earned Doctorate |
Nutritional Science |
Earned Doctorate |
Evaluation of Permanent Instructional Faculty
Category B: Activities considered appropriate as "scholarly and creative activities" for the discipline are:
- Scholarly peer-reviewed publications;
Innovative use of computers and computer methods in scholarly and professional work;
- Inventions, designs, and innovations favorably evaluated outside the university;
- Presentations at scholarly and professional meetings, or to other scholarly and professional audiences;
- Participation in activities of scholarly and professional societies beyond mere membership;
- Editorial responsibilities (reviewer, associate editor, editor) for a scholarly and professional journal;
- Receipt of grants, contracts, or other subsidies for scholarly and professional work;
- Special appointments and awards based on scholarly and professional;
- Professional practice utilizing scholarly expertise that results in enhancement of ongoing activities in a professional setting.
Committee Procedures
Review of Faculty Holding Joint Appointments and of Faculty Active in Interdisciplinary Programs
Student Consultation in Academic Personnel Processes
Oral Testimony
Role of Department/Division/School Chair or Director
Appointment of Temporary Faculty
Evaluation of Temporary Faculty
Temporary faculty with a 3-year appointment will be evaluated in Year 3 of the 3-year appointment.
Temporary faculty (full-time and part-time) are required to have an in-class observation by a faculty member (full-time temporary, probationary tenure-track, tenured) in the School of Kinesiology and Nutritional Science. Faculty who observe a class must use the appropriate School evaluation form(s) developed for this purpose, and they should also discuss with the instructor the general nature of the class and the specific objectives for the day they will observe prior to attending class. There are two School forms for different types of classes: (a) theoretical classes, and (b) physical activity instructional classes. The criteria by which faculty will be evaluated in each of these types of classes vary from one type to another and are built into the forms themselves.
Currency in the Field: One outcome of the performance review process will be a determination of each temporary faculty member's currency in the field, and the development of a list of courses that each temporary faculty member is competent to teach based on his or her currency in the field. The determination of currency in the field and this list will be based solely on the material contained in the faculty member's Personnel Action File along with the Supplementary File that he or she submits at the time of each performance review. See the required and elective items below for clarification of the bases on which currency will be determined. This list will be used to make teaching assignments during the subsequent review period. Therefore, it is important that each temporary faculty member include appropriate materials to provide full documentation of the course subjects that he or she is competent to teach. Below is a list of the required and elective materials to be submitted for each performance review cycle:
- Quantitative summary of Student Opinion Survey for each class taught
- Written summary of classroom observation by faculty peers (See above for details)
- Up to date vita or resume
- Course syllabus for each course taught
B. Examples of additional materials that a faculty member may elect to submit in his or her Supplementary File:
- Samples of class handouts and other teaching materials
- Samples of exams
- Representative samples of students' comments (reflecting positives and negatives) written on the SOS course evaluation forms. A statement setting forth the representativeness of the sample of student comments submitted, compared to all comments received, must accompany this.
- Other evaluation data collected from students
- Reflections about teaching evaluation results and plans to improve future teaching
- Course modification proposals, or new course proposals
- Scholarly or creative activities that are likely to enhance a person's instructional performance (ways in which each activity may enhance teaching performance should be clearly indicated by the instructor)
- Certificates and licenses
- Degrees and classes taken
- Campus, community, or professional service activities that are likely to enhance a person's instructional performance (ways in which each activity may enhance teaching performance should be clearly indicated by the instructor)
- Professional excellence awards, master's athletic competition, dance company membership, dance performances and choreography, search and rescue activities, presentations at professional/scholar conferences, scholarly or professional publications
- Practitioner workshop coordination or presentations (e.g., for teachers, exercise leaders, community youth agency leaders)
- Professional consulting (e.g., high school district, health club, non-profit youth agency, city recreational program)
- Physical-activity-based community volunteer work
Consideration for Three-Year Appointments
Consideration for Range Elevation
Each full- and part-time temporary faculty member who is eligible for a range elevation will be reviewed by the School's RTP Committee B.