Before You Begin
Resize this window so that the four above called: Table of Contents, About the Handbook, and Index Search fit exactly within the window. The icon to resize the window is located in the lower right-hand corner of this screen.
General Information
This is an on-line version of the Faculty Handbook. It contains the same information as the printed version. This on-line edition has several advantages over its printed counterpart: it contains the most recent up-dates of approved policies; it is easy to locate information at the click of a button; and of course, we will be saving trees by using this medium instead of the traditional printed version.
To find the information you need you can either use the Table of Contents, Index, or Search. These three tabs appear at the top of this page and are labeled accordingly.
Table of Contents
If you would like to find an item by chapter, the Table of Contents lists the major topics covered in each chapter. Also, each chapter has a sub-table of contents that lists more specific information. To access the chapter Table of Contents click on the tab above labeled: Table of Contents. Click on any chapter and a sub-table of contents will appear for that section.Index
If you would like to search the document for a specific topic or word, click on the Index and that will take you to an alphabetical list of items. You can then search by clicking on a letter, and/or by scrolling down the list. Currently, you are viewing the About The Handbook section. If you would like to return to this page later simply click on the About the Handbook tab at the top of the screen.
An alternative to the Index is a custom Google search field under the Search tab. Simply enter the text or phrase you are looking for in the text field. Click on the Search button to see the results of all the pages within the Faculty Handbook containing your search terms. Clicking the links of your results will take you to the page you want. Then use the browser's find function to enter your search term again to find it on the page.- Hypertext Links
These links appear on the page as underlined and/or highlighted text. In the previous sentence the words "underlined and/or highlighted" are the "hot spot" to show that it is a hypertext linked item. When you click on the text, you will be taken to a hypertext reference. (The item will change color the next time you return to this link to let you know that is has already been visited.) Chapter Labels
The individual chapters, appendix, or table of contents are labeled along the top of every page as a label heading.
Information about the Authors:
Design of the Handbook Web Site: Dorothy L. Keane, Ed.D., Chair of Academic Senate, 1994-96
Updated design by Academic Affairs ITC, August 2014
Web Design Consultant Coding: Jay Nerenberg, Adjunct Faculty, CSLA
Web Design Consultant Coding: Linda Larson, Adjunct Faculty, CSLA
The Faculty Handbook will be maintained by the Academic Senate Office. Any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. can be directed to the office.
Appendices - Table of Contents
A. Mission of the California State University, Los Angeles
B. Constitution of the Academic Senate of The California State University
C. Constitution of the Faculty California State University, Los Angeles
D. President's Directive Regarding the Use of State University Buildings and Grounds
E. Policy for Use of Campus Facilities
G. Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities
H. Student Grievance Procedures
I. Student Conduct Procedures of The California State University
K. Academic Dishonesty Report Form
L. Guidelines
M. Procedures for the Administration of Student Opinion Surveys
N. President's Directive Regarding the Use of Alcoholic Beverages on Campus
Q. Non-Discrimination Statement
S. Communications Policy Statement
U. Clarification of the Respective Roles of the Academic Senate and the Administration